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PHP Static Site Generator

Silex-MVC framework implements a design pattern MVC, based SILEX (PHP micro-framework, created by Symfony2 components). I have taken some ideas from the project GitHub (silex-enhanced). The documentation can be found on the SILEX Online. Examples of installation of the framework given for "Windows" and web server Nginx.

Main features of the application

  • application implements a simple application management blog.
  • expands with configuration files located in the app/Resources/Сonfig.
  • it works as a web or as a console application.
  • console application can perform various tasks (e.g. Creation of a database app/Console/scripts/orm/schema_create.bat).
  • as an example, the work of the console application implemented to work with the service UBKI.
  • realized the localization of two languages: English and Russian.
  • ensures the registration process, user authentication and authorization.
  • the database created two users with the appropriate rights. The Administrator (login = admin; pass = foo), User (login = user; pass = foo).
  • uses a database type SqlLite app/Resources/db/app.db.
  • work with databases provided by Doctrine(DBAL, ORM) vendor/doctrine and PHP ActiveRecord library/AR.
  • realized the possibility output the pages using the library Pagerfanta library/Pagerfanta.
  • used template Twig vendor/twig.
  • library of SwiftMailer is used for email vendor/swiftmailer.
  • added services such as Zend-Filter, Zend-Json and others vendor/zendframework.
  • added services for working with arrays, strings, XML, HTTP, Markdown app/Services/My.
  • on the client side using the library: jQuery, Bootstrap 3, RequireJS, Backbone public/js/lib.
  • client-side services are used: Datepicker, FormValidation, MaskInput, Highlight public/js/app/services.
  • ToDo implemented application (for the local or server storage) to show the work of the framework Backbone public/js/app/bb-todo.

Get Started

Ready for a taste of Silex-MVC? Check out the Quick Start Guide!


If you have questions please make sure to check in with the community!

To learn more

Silex Documentation This is the documentation for Silex, the PHP microframework based on Symfony2 Components.

Symfony Components Symfony Components are a set of decoupled and reusable PHP libraries. They are becoming the standard foundation on which the best PHP applications are built on. You can use any of these components in your own applications independently from the Symfony Framework.

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