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For configuration of the console application is used the configuration file app/Resources/Config/parameters.yml and app/Resources/Config/console.yml, which inherits configuration settings from a file app/Resources/Config/config.yml.

Common parameters for the console and web applications are described in the file app/Resources/Config/config.yml.

All the available commands and their parameters, as well as specific parameters for Console applications are described in the file app/Resources/Config/console.yml.

The file app/Resources/Config/parameters.yml set values of the main parameters of your configuration, which can be used in other configurations. Parameter values can be accessed through $app['config']['parameters'].

Parameter - Storage directory for console application (data_dir) used to display the results of the command on the client computer.

Parameter - host address for local testing (url_test) for example http://localhost:8888. It used to test the remote access service. Example such testing is shown for use with the service UBKI