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Loader (Bootstrap.php)

Class Bootstrap performs the following methods:

  • Creating an application __construct()
// Create app
$app = new Silex\Application();
$this->app = $app;
  • Creating handlers middleware _iniMiddlewares
  • Configuration application _iniConfig
  • Initialization providers _iniProviders
  • Initialization services _iniServices и _extendServices
  • Initialization controllers _iniControllers
  • Initialization application _iniApplication

Creating handlers middleware

Create an event handler at different points of the request processing cycle.

  • The middleware is run before the routing and the security:
$app->before(function (Request $request, Application $app) {
    // ...
}, Application::EARLY_EVENT);

  • The middleware is run after the routing and the security, but before the controller is executed:
$app->before(function (Request $request, Application $app) {
    // ...
  • An after application middleware allows you to tweak the Response before it is sent to the client:
$app->after(function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    // ...
  • A finish application middleware allows you to execute tasks after the Response has been sent to the client (like sending emails or logging):
$app->finish(function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    // ...
    // Warning: modifications to the Request or Response will be ignored

Configuration application

This defines the type of configuration:

// Set type configuration
$app['yml_config'] = FALSE;

The configuration is set using yml file or using ini file.

There are set values of the main parameters of your configuration that can be used in your other configurations. The parameter values can be accessed through $app['config']['parameters'].

The values of the main parameters:

  • Time zone (timezone)
  • Language localization (locale)
  • The color scheme of the site (scheme)
  • The sign debug (debug)
  • Environment (environment)
  • Database Options (db.driver, db.path,, db.models.path, db.models.namespace, db.connection.production, db.connection.development, db.connection.test)
  • Email settings (, mail.port, mail.username, mail.password)
  • PagerFanta parameters (pagerfanta.max_per_page, pagerfanta.proximity)

Initialization providers

Initialization providers also depends on the type of configuration. Else $app['yml_config'] = TRUE; then providers are set such as shown below.

if ($app['yml_config']) {
    foreach ($app['config']['service_providers'] as $serviceProviderConfig) {
                new $serviceProviderConfig['class'](
                (!isset($serviceProviderConfig['construct_parameters'])) ?
                        null : $serviceProviderConfig['construct_parameters']
                ), (isset($serviceProviderConfig['parameters']) &&
                null !== $serviceProviderConfig['parameters']) ?
                        $serviceProviderConfig['parameters'] : array()

Otherwise providers are set manually.

// Monolog
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\MonologServiceProvider(), array(
    'monolog.logfile' => "{$app['config']['log_path']}/application.log",
    '' => 'APPLICATION'

Initialization services

With class MyService app/Services/MyService.php installed services app/Services/My.

This includes the following services:

  • Working with arrays (ArrayBox.php)
  • Working with XML (CrXml.php)
  • Working with HTTP (Http.php)
  • Work with parameters (ParamBox.php)
  • Working with strings (String.php)
  • Common Functions (System.php)

With class Zf2Service app/Services/Zf2Service.php installed services from Zend Framework 2 vendor/zendframework.

This includes the following services:

With metod _extendServices of class Bootstrap loader app/Console/Bootstrap.php extends the functionality of some services such as: $app['translator'], $app['twig'].

Initialization controllers

Creating and initializing the controllers takes place via a method _ iniControllers.

 *  Initialization controllers
 * @param Application $app
private function _iniControllers(Application $app) {


    // Load controllers
    foreach ($app['config']['controllers'] as $controllerServiceName => $controllerClass) {
        $app[$controllerServiceName] = $app->share(function () use ($app, $controllerClass) {
            return new $controllerClass($app);
        $controller = $app[$controllerServiceName];

List controllers classes stored in a file app/Resources/Config/parameters.yml.

Initialization application

In this method, you create a directorys necessary for the functioning of the web application. This is the first time the console is started.

// Create application paths