File structure services for the application is shown below:
|-- app/
|-- Services/ # Services
|-- My/ # Services to work with XML, HHTP and others...
|-- MyService.php # The base class for adding services
`-- Zf2Service.php # Class to add `Zend` services
Silex is not only a framework, but also container service. It achieves this by extending Pimple which provides a very simple service container.
The application contains different types of services:
- Embedded services, are supplied Silex framework
- External services, you can set by yourself example by Symfony2 components
- Custom services, you can add your own in your application
- Zend Framework2 services, this additional possibilities of the known framework, that you can add to your application
Embedded services
Embedded services are delivered with Silex framework.
It services such as: request, routes, controllers, dispatcher, resolver, kernel, request_context, exception_handler, logger etc.
More details can be found here
External services
External services can be set for example with the help of the components Symfony2 vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Component/
This is done using Composer. Required set
the components need to specify in the file composer.json
. For example, to install
Symfony2 all components, Monolog, Swiftmailer, Doctrine(DBAL) and
We need to make such record:
"require": {
"symfony/symfony": "^2.7",
"monolog/monolog": "^1.14",
"swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "^5.4",
"doctrine/dbal": "^2.5",
"doctrine/orm": "^2.5",
Custom services
Custom services are located here app/Services/My/
. They set using the class
MyService app/Services/MyService.php
The application includes the following services:
- Working with arrays (
) - Working with XML (
) - Working with HTTP (
) - Working with params (
) - Working with strings (
) - Common functions (
) - Working with Markdown (
Zend Framework2 services
Zend Framework2 services are located here vendor/zendframework/
They can be installed with the help of Composer.
The required set of components need to specify in the file composer.json
For example, to install Zend-Json, Zend-Xml and Zend-Filter.
We need to make such record:
"require": {
"zendframework/zend-json": "2.*",
"zendframework/zendxml": "^1.0",
"zendframework/zend-filter": "2.*"
In our application Zend Framework2 services installed using
class Zf2Service app/Services/Zf2Service.php