If you create complex one-page application, you can use known JavaScript framework Backbone.
The application ToDo was created as an example of using this framework
. To work with this example is possible through the menu
Testing/Todo/backbone, if you login into the application as Admin.
This application manages a list of tasks:
- Add a task
- Save the task to a local or server data store
- Edit the name of the task
- Set a sign that the task was completed
- Delete a task from the list
- Clear all completed tasks
Configuring applications ToDo takes place in the file app/Views/Controller/todo/index.html.twig
Here we add the service Todo and its parameters.
<script type="text/javascript">
storage: 'server',// local || server
serverStorage: {
urlRoot: '/tasks',
emulateHTTP: true
If the storage
parameter is equal to the value server
, the operations tasks
executed on the server storage. Ajax client requests are processed
via controller TodoController app/Controllers/TodoController.php
The parameters for working with storage server installed in a variable serverStorage
If the storage
parameter is equal to the value local
, the operations tasks
executed on the local storage.
The local store is organized with the help of Backbone localStorage Adapter