Рекомендуемые ресурсы
Ссылки на полезные инструменты и ресурсы для разработчика
Полезные инструменты и ресурсы
- JavaScripting - The Database of JavaScript Libraries
- JS Recipes - JavaScript tutorials for backend and frontend development.
- HTML to Pug converter - HTML to PUG is a free online converter helping you to convert html files to pug syntax in realtime.
- JavascriptOO - A directory of JavaScript libraries with examples, CDN links, statistics, and videos.
- Favicon Generator - Generate favicons for PC, Android, iOS, Windows 8.
Рекомендуемые ресурсы для разработки дизайна
- Code Guide - Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
- Bootsnipp - Code snippets for Bootstrap.
- UIBox - Curated HTML, CSS, JS, UI components.
- Bootstrap Zero - Free Bootstrap templates themes.
- Google Bootstrap - Google-styled theme for Bootstrap.
- Font Awesome Icons - It's already part of the Hackathon Starter, so use this page as a reference.
- Colors - A nicer color palette for the web.
- Creative Button Styles - awesome button styles.
- Creative Link Effects - Beautiful link effects in CSS.
- Medium Scroll Effect - Fade in/out header background image as you scroll.
- GeoPattern - SVG background pattern generator.
- Trianglify - SVG low-poly background pattern generator.
Рекомендуемые библиотеки Node.js
- Nodemon - Automatically restart Node.js server on code changes.
- geoip-lite - Geolocation coordinates from IP address.
- Filesize.js - Pretty file sizes, e.g.
filesize(265318); // "265.32 kB"
. - Numeral.js - Library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
- Node Inspector - Node.js debugger based on Chrome Developer Tools.
- node-taglib - Library for reading the meta-data of several popular audio formats.
- sharp - Node.js module for resizing JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images.
Рекомендуемые библиотеки на стороне клиента
- Framework7 - Full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps.
- InstantClick - Makes your pages load instantly by pre-loading them on mouse hover.
- NProgress.js - Slim progress bars like on YouTube and Medium.
- Hover - Awesome CSS3 animations on mouse hover.
- Magnific Popup - Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin.
- jQuery Raty - Star Rating Plugin.
- Headroom.js - Hide your header until you need it.
- X-editable - Edit form elements inline.
- Offline.js - Detect when user's internet connection goes offline.
- Alertify.js - Sweet looking alerts and browser dialogs.
- selectize.js - Styleable select elements and input tags.
- drop.js - Powerful Javascript and CSS library for creating dropdowns and other floating displays.
- scrollReveal.js - Declarative on-scroll reveal animations.